Tuesday 8 March 2011

Week.1 - 3 Concepts/Themes


 My 1st concept/theme was pollen from a flower, i know there are many different species of flowers and i have yet to decide on which one so i am going to choose pollen as general for now. I liked pollen because it looks nice, the different shapes, colors and patterns and the purity they have and the fact that one little seed can turn out to be a massive tree, a giant plant or a vine that twists itself up a trunk in a rain forest.


The 2nd concept/theme i had in mind was spiderwebs, i like how they are look simple but yet complex and also how they are delicate that it can be easily broken but yet strong enough to hold up a lot of water when it rains as seen in the picture. I chose this theme because i liked the way the spiderweb is affected by nature, the effect of the sun when light hits the web as seen on the image on the left the web changes color when seen at different angles. The affect of rain when it hits the web, the web almost seems like its going to break but it doesn't, its almost as if the web itself is not there and all you see is floating drops of water.


The 3rd concepts/ themes will be based on scales or more specifically fish scales. I chose scales because they come in many different shapes,sizes, the way they overlap or are aligned together, but also when seen on a microscopic level you can see the a lot more than what you see on fish everyday. The scale is almost like a fingerprint for fish and different fish have different scales, the 2nd picture is a microscopic view of a regular fish scale one you see on fish at the markets and the 3rd picture is microscopic view of a discus fish. Any thing that caught my attention was the effect light has on a scale, when exposed to light it may look like a see through thin piece of plastic but when you look closer you can see that there are many different colors based on the angle the light reflects off it.

Image Sources.
- http://beachchairscientist.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/fishscaleagerings1.jpg
- http://illustrat3kate.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/discus-fish-scales.jpg
- http://www.rsc.org/images/Fish-skin-scale-300_tcm18-110721.jpg
All images obtained on 09/03/2011

- https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjTMVW3z56aYpgS2HbL943QLCpUi1aobe7_ISX2JGSAvozByhFLLseFe0LwK0MYI_osbCH0X5URfR7QVhyphenhyphenOVbkXi14CVXggHUOZWmNxe6x8gKbbX4EZkPtjUB5Zxwf5copu9eDqE2fJ-97m/s400/1.jpg
- http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4095/4735632129_1d6e7ce848_z.jpg
- http://multicms.rdts.de/upload/bilder/106399.jpg
All images obtained on 09/03/2011

- http://coolfwdmail.blogspot.com/2010/04/not-to-be-sneezed-at-microscopic-images.html
All images obtained on 09/03/2011

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