Wednesday 16 March 2011

Theme - 2 Sources & Tutorial

The theme i have chosen is the spiderweb, i chose this theme because of the possibilities that i can make using a spider web. I can make a symmetrical spider web like you see in a garden, or i could randomize points to make a complete random shape, change the value of the spacing or even i could overlay spiderwebs amoung one another. 

Source One -
This source has a movie of how a orb web is constructed or woven, it give me a clearer  way of constructing my web onto grasshopper and maybe i can use the sequence of how a spider makes a orb web into rider.

Source Two -

This source shows you all the different types of spiderwebs and which spider weaves them, which gave me an idea if i could use two different types spiderwebs and somehow interconnect them together.

Other Images that influence my theme.

This web doesn't follow the symmetrical form but has a thicken section in the middle that i can that i can highlight on when modeling it in grasshopper. It seems like a entirely separate section from the exterior of the web, to me it seems like the center of the web is like the house the spider lives and the exterior section is used to catch the food but with the geometry i can change the value of the spacing of the exterior section and randomize the interior or even create a distinct line to represent that part.

This web is more randomized, i can create a plane on points and randomize these points and maybe even cross reference the points to create a web similar to the one shown above. I can also increase and decrease the value of the spaces between each line and make it so that in the center of the web the lines will be closer together and as it leads to the outer part i can increase the value so that the lines can be seen furthur away from the lines.

This web is not symmetrical at all instead there is not a single line that meets up with another line. I was thinking i can create a surface using this web and warp it so it looks like a waveor a can warp the web into different shapes.

This web i can create a tunnel using the web design or even have it spiral around itself to create a complex geometry. This web has little patches of closely woven webs and then joined together with other little patches to create a big web. With this i can vary the sizes of the patches of closely woven webs and patch them all together.

This tutorial is all about list management which will help me with the random points on a plane and even drawing lines between each plans. This also shows the cross reference option which will give me all the possible options by joining all of the points together.


This tutorial was helpful because it allows me to pick the points i wanted to create a line, so if i had a group of points instead of creating a long list or a cross reference list where it gives me the maximum possibility of having lines i can have a set of points that connect only to one points.

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