Monday, 13 June 2011

Assessment 3 Model & Grasshopper File

The basics of the grasshopper file was the create a solid geometry, divided that geometry into multiple planes and using a voronoi that was already projected on a box morph. Project that box morph onto each plane so that they would all be the same voronoi. This was so i could use the voronoi to define the internal spaces in the model, if you were to follow down one path through one hole of the voronoi as the section planes increase so does the size of the hole and this makes the hole or corridor that you are walking through follow the curve of the building.

Final Design called "Lost in the Domain".
The reason it is called "Lost in the Domain" because the model itself is like a maze, where you follow down one corridor but also have the option to sneak through and jump into another corridor which looks similar to the one you just came from which gives you the feeling of being lost and the site that it is situated on is directly across from the Domain.

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